
Eight navy and background 3-1/2" half squares and eight wine and background 3-1/2" half squares needed for this block.

Another Star

Twelve olive and background 3-1/2" half squares and four gold and background 3-1/2" half squares needed for this block.

Now sew together eight short sashing units made of four random colored 3-1/2" squares each. Then sew three long sashing rows of fourteen random colored 3-1/2" squares each...

Cut two gold strips 3-1/2" x WOF.( Width of Fabric) Cut four more gold strips 3-1/2" x WOF, and sew together in pairs...

Next sew two border rows of sixteen random colored 3-1/2" squares, then two border rows of twenty-three random colored 3-1/2" squares...

Sew short pieced square sashing strips between blocks in horizontal rows as shown at left. Sew long pieced square sashing strips between the rows. Sew shorter gold border strips to top and bottom. Sew longer gold border strips to sides, cutting off excess length even with quilt. Sew shorter pieced square border strips to quilt top and bottom. Sew longer pieced square border strips to sides. 

Quilt and Bind as desired!

...on to Page 5!

 May 14 2002 Marcia Hohn

Traditional Blocks

Original Quilt

pattern from

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