Here's a 54 x 69" sampler quilt that I really
COULD have named The Easy Quilt! |

This is an original Quilt pattern. Please abide by the Terms
and Conditions of use! :o)
Choose four Color Groups, here I used Golds, Wines,
Olives, and Navys, and using only the units shown below, you can
make the whole quilt in no time! |

See below for quickie instructions on making these
units! |
To make Large half squares cut one 6-7/8" square
of each color in half. Sew together one triangle of each color,
using a 1/4" seam Press towards the darker fabric. To
make Small half squares cut triangles from 3-7/8" squares and
do the same. These should measure 6-1/2" , or 3-1/2"
respectively... |
To make 3 Corner squares, place a 2" square right sides
together atop a 3-1/2" background square with all edges
aligned. On the back of the top square, lightly draw in the
diagonal. Sew ON this drawn line. Clip off the excess seam allowance
and press the remainder towards the darker fabric. Trim these back
to be 3-1/2" if needed... ...on to Page
2! |
May 14 2002
Marcia Hohn |
Traditional Blocks
Original Quilt |
pattern from http://www.quilterscache.com |
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