Plaid Scrap Block -
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Next sew the Color 1 and Color 2 4-1/2" x
9" rectangles right sides together along one long edge, using
as always a 1/4" seam. Press the seam allowance towards
the darker fabric. Using a rotary cutter, bisect this new unit at
the 4-1/2" point... |
Flip one of the units and sew it to the other along
the right side to make the four patch unit... |
Piece the block as shown at left. Sew a diamond
unit to the right of the four patch unit. Sew a Color 2 square to
the end of the other diamond unit. Sew these two rows together to
make the block. :o) Finis! :o) |
Feb 11 2001 Marcia Hohn

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