** Preparing the Pieces
and Sewing the Block ** |
Start by marking and cutting the Color 1 4" x 14"
strip into eight 2" x 3-1/2" rectangles...(or you can paper
piece these flying geese units, see below for template link!)
Next mark and cut the Color 1 3-1/2" x 14" strip into
four 3-1/2" squares...(or you can paper piece these
Square-in-Square units, see below for template link!)
Then mark and cut the Color 2 2" x 8" strip into
four 2" squares...
Now mark and cut the Color 3 8" x 16" strip into
thirty-two 2' squares...
To piece the Square-in-Square units, place a Color 3
2" square lined up with and right sides together to the top left
edge of a Color 1 3-1/2" square. On the back of the Color 3
square, draw the diagonal as shown at left. Sew ON this drawn line.
Cut off the excess seam allowance and press he remainder towards the
triangle. Repeat this with another Color 3 square on the opposite
corner, and then on the two remaining corners. Trim this unit to
measure 3-1/2" if needed. Make four units like this...
here if you'd rather paper piece this unit!
Whichever method of piecing you chose, once they are done, piece the
blocks corner units as shown at left. Sew two rows, using
1/4" seams, pressing each row in alternate directions, then join
the rows to make the corner unit. Make four units like this...on to Page
Oct 18 2002 Marcia Hohn |

Page 3 |
Original Block |
http://www.quilterscache.com |