This makes a 14" block!

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** Preparing the Pieces and Sewing the Block **

Start by marking and cutting the Color 1(hen) 2-1/2" x 26" strip into four 2-1/2" x 6-1/2" rectangles...

Now mark and cut the Color 3  4-1/2" x 18" strip into four 4-1/2" squares...

Next speed piece the half squares by stacking a Color 3  2-7/8" x 17 1/4" strip with a Color 2(chicks) strip of the same size, right sides together and all edges aligned. On the back of the top strip lightly mark the 2- 7/8" square lines and the diagonals. Now sew a SCANT 1/4" above and below the marked diagonals, pivoting  at the square lines. Cut apart on the marked diagonal lines, and on the square lines. Press seam allowances towards the darker fabric. This will give you twelve Color 2/Color 3 half squares. Repeat this process with the Color 3  2-7/8" x 11-1/2" strip and Color 1 strip of the same size, to get eight Color 1/ Color 3 half squares. Trim all to measure 2-1/2" if needed...

Then sew two chicks half squares together along the right edge, using the standard scant 1/4" seam. Add a hen half square to the right of that. Press seam allowances in opposing directions. Make four of these units...

Now sew a hen to a chick along the bottom edge. Press seam to one side. Make four of these units...

Sew a two half square unit to the left side of a Color 3  4-1/2" square. press seam towards half squares. Add a three half square unit to the top, pressing seam towards the square. Make four of these corner units...

...on to Page 2!

Oct 30 2000 Marcia Hohn

Traditional Block