Flies in the Barn - Page 2


 Now sew a Color 1/4  6-1/2" strip set to the left and right of the center unit, pressing seams towards side strips. Sew a Color 1/4 half square to each end of the remaining two 6-1/2" strip sets.  Now add these to the top and bottom of the center unit, again pressing towards the strips...

 Now sew one of the Color 1/3 strip sets to the left of the block. Press seam towards the new strip. Sew a Color 2 square to the left end of the other strip set. Add this to the top of the block, pressing towards that just added strip...and it's done!

Here are four blocks by five with a row of Color 1/3 strip sets and extra Color 2 squares added to the right side of the quilt for balance, and a Color 2 border around the whole quilt!

Happy Quilting Folks!

Marcia :o)

...on to Page 3 for Supplies Needed!

Here's one that Deb made!

Mary's!  Michelle's!

Nov 6 2003 Marcia Hohn

Page 1

Original  Block
