Now cut out the apron from an eleventh color, one that matches and is
slightly darker than your dress color. Center it over the dress, so
that the collar sections will just cover the "straps". Pin
in place and appliqué down, using thread to match the apron...
Pin the two collar sections together and appliqué down, using thread
to match the dress. Now pin on the two hands cut from your twelfth and
final color, a pale pale yellow, one overlapping the other, and appliqué
down, using thread to match the hands...
Now position and pin on the face (slightly overlapping the collars),
the two sleeves (slightly overlapping the hands) and the feet (over
the dress and apron) Appliqué these down, using thread to match the
units being sewn on...
Next...the fun part...those EARS!, which will be appliquéd down,
using thread to match the ears...and nine eggs, one in each pastel
color, which will be appliquéd down, using thread to match each
egg... ...on to Page
Oct 3 2002 Marcia Hohn |

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