I suggest that you run off one copy of the bunny
templates, and using tracing paper...trace each individual section
you will need onto that. Cut these out, adding 1/8" seam
allowances for turning under. You will need...one head, two ears,
two feet, two sleeves, two collars, two hands, nine eggs, and four
sleeve "shadows". From a scrap of pink cut two tiny cheek
circles. Eyes and mouth are embroidered. Buttons can be embroidered,
or you could use small buttons! Cut 24 circles using the template
(already includes seam allowance) |
Start by piecing 12-1/2" long pastel solid strips in NINE
different colors Vary strips in width from 1/2" to 1" (cut
as 1"-1-1/2").
Keep strip widths the same for each color, that is, if your blue
strip is 1", make ALL blue strips 1". Rotate through the
color order repetitively to make a 12-1/2" square.
Make another larger unit like this that should measure
20-1/2" x 22-1/2", using 20-1/2" x varying width
strips in the SAME colors. Start this unit with a Color 6 strip, and
continue with the same rotation as above, ending when your unit is
22'1/2" long. You may makes this background smaller if you want
a smaller wall hanging... |
From a tenth pastel, cut out your dress shape, being sure you have
added a small amount for seam allowances. Fold your background square
(the 12-1/2" one) in half in both directions to find its center. Pin the
center of the dress over the exact center of the background square. Appliqué
dress down, using thread to match the dress...on to Page
Oct 3 2002 Marcia Hohn |

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