** Preparing the Pieces and Sewing
the Block **
Again, since there are many pieces, print off
several copies of the templates. Darken the outlines for each piece you will need...cut
out...add the 1/4" seam allowances. Dotted lines on the templates show pieces that are
underneath other pieces. I didn't list it as a needed color, but you will also need an 8
1/2-9" square of white background fabric! You'll also need some embroidery
floss that matches your skin color to embroider the lady's legs, and some black floss, or
whatever color you like to embroider the facial details, and some Bolero colored floss to
embroider the detail on the upper arm :o)
Follow the directions below for order of placement
:o) |

On the 8 1/2"-9" square of white
background fabric, lay out ALL the pieces, so that you can arrange them where you like
them best. Remove all but the right arm, the head, and the legs. Pin them in
place, tucking
her streamers under the hand first, and appliqué them to the background, using thread to
match the pieces being sewn on. You can appliqué down the streamers to the right of the
hand, but pin the long ends out of the way over on the right somewhere for the time being! |

Now pin on the hair, the right side of the bolero
vest, and the lowest tier of the skirt, and appliqué them in place, using thread to match
... |

Then pin on, in this sequence, the next tier up of
the skirt, then the next tier up, then the highest skirt tier, and put the dress bodice
atop that. Appliqué them in place, using thread to match ... |

Next, swing the streamers up into place under where
her upper am/hand will fall...*note: if they got wrinkly while pinned out of the
way...press them, so they will lay flat in place!...pin them across the front of her
skirt. Pin on the arm, and then pin on the left side of the bolero vest, and
appliqué them
in place, using thread to match ... |

Then, using black floss, embroider her eye, eyebrow
and mouth, or use floss colors that you prefer to those! Using floss to match the bolero,
embroider the detail of the sleeve; I suggest a backstitch for that arm definition. Then ,
using floss to match the skin color, detail the legs, again, using a back stitch. That
lady is now ready to Dance! Congratulations!! :o) PS... I
am a firm believer in dancing barefoot...hence...no shoes! Here's
one that Nancy made! |
Sept182000MarciaHohn |
