** Preparing the Pieces
and Sewing the Block ** |

Start by marking and cutting two Color 1 2" x 5"
strips, and two Color 1 2" x 6-1/2" strips. These can
be cut from one 2" x 23" strip...

Then mark and cut the Color 1 3/4" x 6" strip into two
3/4" x 3" rectangles...

Mark and cut the Color 2 4" x 8" strip into eight
2" squares...

Place a Color 2 square right sides together against each end of a
Color 1 short rectangle, with all outside edges aligned. On the back
of the squares, draw in the diagonals as shown at left. Sew ON these
drawn lines. Cut off the excess seam allowances, pressing the
remainder towards the triangles. Make one more unit like this with the
directions of the sewn lines reversed. Trim these to measure 2" x
5" if needed...

Cut the Color 2 2-1/8" square in half once to make two half
square triangles. Arrange them as shown at center left. Sew the small
Color 1 rectangles to the inner sides using a scant 1/4" seam.
Press seams towards the triangles. Trim off the ends even with the
...on to Page 2!
Dec 14 2002 Marcia Hohn |

Original Block |
http://www.quilterscache.com |