This makes a 12" block, and is Easy Easy Easy! You could do it smaller or larger with ease also!

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You might want to check the Marcus Bros site, for plaids similar to these that they have recently released! (Theirs have sparkles...awesome!)

** Preparing the Pieces and Sewing the Block **

Mark and cut each of the "ribbon" colored strips into one 3-1/2" square, and one 3-1/2" x 6-1/2" rectangle of each...

Mark and cut the background colored strip into four 3- 1/2" squares...

Sew each of the back ground colored squares right sides together to a ribbon colored square, using a SCANT 1/4" seam. Press seam allowances towards the darker fabrics. You will have four of these units...

Now sew a ribbon rectangle to the appropriate 2-square unit, again right sides together and using a SCANT 1/4" seam. Press seam allowances towards the rectangles...

Then sew the four quadrants together as shown at left! Alternate pressing directions with each addition to keep your seams nice and flat! See? Wasn't that an easy one??!! ...on to Page 2
Sept 5 2001 Marcia Hohn

 Traditional Block

 pattern from