This makes an 8" block!

This is an original pattern. Please abide by the Terms and Conditions of use! :o)

Click here for the heart template!

** Preparing the Pieces and Sewing the Block ** 

For this block you'll need lots of different Reds and Creams or Tans!

Start by cutting four  4-1/2" x 5" rectangles...two different tans/creams, and two different reds...

Using the template provided, cut two different red hearts and two different tan/cream hearts. This already includes the seam allowances. Press under a 1/4" seam all the way around...

Find the centers of the rectangles by creasing in half in both directions. As to their orientation...4-1/2" is their HEIGHT...and 5" is their WIDTH!  Appliqué on the hearts by machine, sewing as close to the edge as possible...

Now cut each heart square in half vertically, using a rotary cutter and mat....on to Page 2!

Feb 12 2003 Marcia Hohn

Kind of Original  Block