Twist & Shout - Page 2

 Add a B unit to the right of the unit we just made. Press the seam towards the newly added B unit...

Add the other A unit to the bottom, again pressing the seam towards the new addition...

Now add the last B unit. sewing from the bottom to a point 1/4" from the top edge of the B unit. Backstitch one stitch to secure that end.  Remove this from the machine now and line up the remaining un-sewn partial seam. Stitch from the inner 1/4" point to the outer edge of the block...and you are done!

Here are four blocks by five with alternate blocks rotated 1/4 turn to the right! There are MANY different ways to Color this one though, as shown on the next page...

on to Page 3!



 May 16 2005 Marcia Hohn

Page 1

Original  Block