Twenty T's - Page 2


Then speed piece the next small half squares, by stacking the Color 2 and Color 3  1-7/8" x 15" strips, right sides together and all edges aligned. On the back of the top strip, lightly mark the 1-7/8" square lines and mark the diagonals in the direction shown at left. Now sew a SCANT 1/4" above and below the marked diagonals, pivoting at the square lines. Now cut apart ON the marked diagonals, and on the 1-7/8" square lines. This will give you sixteen half squares. Press seam allowances towards the darker fabric. Trim these back to measure 1-1/2" if needed. Repeat this with a set of Color 2 and Color 4  1-7/8" x 22-1/2" strips to get twenty-four half squares in that color combo...


Now let's sew this puppy! Sew the Color 1  2-7/8" half square triangles to opposing sides of the Color 3 center square, right sides together, and using a scant 1/4" seam. Press seams towards triangles. Repeat with two more Color 1 half square triangles on the adjacent sides, also pressing out towards triangles. Square this off to measure 4-1/2" if needed...


Next sew Color 2 2-7/8" half square triangles to the two top sides of a Color 4 quarter square triangle, right sides together, and using a scant 1/4" seam. Press seams towards triangles. Make four units like this...


Now piece the block! Row One = Col 1+4, Col 1+4,Col 1+4, Col 2+4, Col 2+4, Col 2+4, Col 2+4, Col 2+4, Col 2+4, Col 1+4, Col 1+4,Col 1+4. Row Two = pair of Col 1+4, larger Col 1+3 half square, pair of Col 2+3, flying goose unit, pair of Col 2+3, larger Col 1+3 half square, pair of Col 1+4. Row Three = Col 2+4, Col 2+3, Col 2+3, Col 1+3, Col 1+3, Col 1+3, Col 1+3, Col 1+3, Col 1+3, Col 2+3, Col 2+3, Col 2+4. Row Four = four Col 2+4, flying goose unit, four Col 1+3, Center unit, four Col 1+3, flying goose unit, four Col 2+4. Row Five = same as Row Three but flipped upside down. Row Six = same as Row Two but flipped upside down. Row Seven = same as Row One but flipped upside down.....Now it's ALL DONE!...

...on to Page 3!

Oct 16 2003 Marcia Hohn

Page 1

Traditional  Block