** Preparing the Pieces
and Sewing the Block ** |
Stack all the 5-1/4" squares and cut twice diagonally to make
four quarter square triangles of each. Note that you only need two
each of all colors except the back ground color and the center color,
of which you need all four, so set aside the extras for later use!...
Mark and cut the Color 5 4-1/2" x 18" strip into
four 4-1/2" squares...
Sew quarter square triangles together, using 1/4" seams to
make pieced triangles, pressing seams to the darker side, then join
the pieced triangles to make quarter squares. Make two each in the
arrangements shown at left...
Then piece the block! Make three rows, pressing row seams in
alternating directions. Join the rows to make the block!
...on to Page 2!
Of Interest!....the term "Tippecanoe
and Tyler too" stemmed from an 1839's political campaign
slogan....a Henry Clay of Kentucky was the early favorite at the
Whig convention in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, in December
1839...however, he was a Mason and anti-mason feeling was strong
enough to block his nomination. Instead Harrison was
nominated, and John Tyler was nominated as the Vice Presidential
candidate. This election of 1840 was the first campaign with slogans
and songs. The slogan that became best known was "Tippecanoe
and Tyler too". Tippecanoe was the battle that Harrison won
against the Indians in 1811. |
Oct 31 2002 Marcia Hohn |

Traditional Block |
http://www.quilterscache.com |