Here's another of those "method" situations...more than a real "block" Shown at left would be about 12" finished size... 

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*note: you will need to add seam allowances around outside of this template

** Preparing the Pieces and Sewing the Block ** 

To make a thousand pyramids quilt, sew triangles into rows, as shown at left as wide as you want your quilt. Join the rows to complete the quilt....

It really SHOULD be named Thousand NAMES...Notice at left some of its different names, which depend on color locations and staggered or straight rows of triangles. The "block" as it is shown above is also called Joseph's Coat, Red Shields, The Mowing Machine Quilt, Pyramids and Triangles!   

A quilt in the layout I show at top will look quite like this!

Happy Quilting All, and may your Pyramids Stand the Test of Time!

Marcia :o)

Here's Michele's!  Corinna's!  Mary's!   Masako's!

To the Patterns  or  The Quilter's Cache

April 21 2004 Marcia Hohn

Traditional  Block