** Preparing the Pieces
and Sewing the Block ** |
Start by cutting the Color 1 2-3/8" x 9-1/2" strip into four
2-3/8" squares. Stack those and cut them in half once on the
diagonal to make eight half square triangles... |
Next cut the Color 2 2" x 8" strip into four 2" squares... |
Then cut the Color 3 3-7/8" x 7-3/4" strip into two 3-7/8"
squares. Stack and cut those in half once on the diagonal to make
four half square triangles... |
Now, using a scant 1/4" seam, sew the Color 1 and Color 2 2" x
14" strips right sides together along one long edge, pressing seam
to the light side, so the seams will nest when sewn to the units
below. Cut the resulting unit into four 3-1/2" square
side units... |
To make the block's corner units sew a Color 1 half square triangle to
the left and top edges of a Color 2 2" square, pressing seams
towards the triangles. Add a Color 3 half square triangle to the
pieced triangle, pressing seam to one side. Make four units like
this. These should measure 3-1/2" ... |
Now lay out all units as shown at left, with the Color 3
3-1/2" square as the center. Sew three horizontal rows, alternating
pressing directions by row. join the rows and you have made The
Kitchen Woodbox! ...on to Page 2! |
May 12 2010 Marcia Hohn |
Traditional Original Block