Preparing the Pieces and Sewing the Block ** |
Start by marking and cutting your
Color 3 2" x 28" strip into eight 2" x 3-1/2" rectangles... |
Then cut the Color 3 5-3/8"
x 10-3/4" strip into two 5-3/8" squares... |
Next stack your Color 1, 2 and
two Color 3 5-3/8" squares with all edges aligned. Mark and cut together
on the diagonal using a rotary cutter... |
Now cut your Color 1 2-3/8" x 9-1/2" strip into four 2-3/8" squares.
Cut each of these
again on the diagonal... |
And lastly, cut your Color 3
3-7/8" x 7-3/4"strip into two 3-7/8" squares, then further cut these
into half triangles for the block corners... |
Starting with a little math! On a
Color 3 large triangle, mark in a point 2" in from either point on the hypotenuse,
and again mark the center (x) Using a protractor with the point at the center mark, faintly
mark a circle from the 2" points. This will be where you place or stitch your handle.
You may use narrow bias tape for your handles, which will need to be sewn on along that
marked line. NOW...before you piece further!... you may INSTEAD chain stitch or satin stitch
a handle with embroidery floss, 3 strands, I believe. The picture I have of this block
shows it with a chain stitch handle and it looks great! |
Next, sew a Color 1 large
triangle to a Color 3 triangle- with- handle, using a 1/4" seam, and pressing
seams towards darker fabric. Make two of this color combination, and then two more, using
Color 2 and Color 1...on to Page 2! |
Oct1999 Marcia Hohn |
http://www.quilterscache.com |
Traditional Block |