** Preparing
the Pieces and Sewing the Block ** |
Mark and cut the Color 1 3-1/2" x 7" strip into two 3-1/2" squares... |
Next cut the Color 1 3-7/8" square on the diagonal to make two half square triangles... |
Then mark and cut the Color 2
3-1/2"" x 7" strip into two 3-1/2" squares... |
Now mark and cut the Color 3
3-1/2" x 7" strip into two 3-1/2" squares... |
Lay the trapezoid
template on the
Color 3 8" x 14" rectangle, and cut out four traps, two in each direction.
Then cut two more traps using the same template on the Color 1 7" x 8"
rectangle... ...on to Page 2! |
Traditional Block
pattern from http://www.quilterscache.com |