Quickie Baby Quilt - Page 2


Sew 4-1/2" x 52-1/2" border strips to the left of the left-most column  and to the right of the right-most column. Then sew 2-1/2" x 52-1/2" sashing strips to the left and right of the center column...
 Now position the left-most column 2" in from the left side of the batting and backing layer, and 6" down from the top and up from the bottom. Pin to hold in place, but not near the right hand edge...
Position the middle column over the first right sides together and stitch through all layers, with an extra stitch at beginning and end of seam to secure stitching. Open out the newly added column, press and pin down, again not near its right edge... on to Page 3!

Oct 22 2004 Marcia Hohn

Page 1

Original Quickie Quilt
