You will need:

Color 1
Color 2

This one is for Michelle :o) and makes a 12" block, however, you could draft it to make any size square, following this same method :o)

If you'd rather not draft your own are some!

** Preparing the Pieces and Sewing the Block **

Colors 1 needs: four 6-1/2" squares 

We will concentrate on making one quarter of the block, as all four quarters are the same. Using graph, or other paper, draw a 6 1/2" square. Using a compass draw an arc 2 1/2" out from each corner. Cut out the center shape, and the arcs...
Color 2 needs: four 6-1/2" squares 

Now place one paper arc lined up with the upper and left sides of a 6-1/2" square of Color 2, on the WRONG side of the fabric. If you like you can mark your sewing line by tracing lightly along the curved edge of the template onto the fabric. Now cut out your shape with scissors, adding 1/4" to the curved side, for seam allowances. Cut three more arcs in the same manner...

Place the center paper template centered on the wrong side of a 6-1/2" square of Color 1.Again, if you like you can mark your sewing line by lightly tracing along the curved edges of the template onto the fabric.  Cut out with scissors, adding 1/4" to each CURVED side for seam allowances... 

Next, using scissors SNIP into the concave sides up to, but NOT past the 1/4" seam line. This will give the piece some "give" as you piece it to the arc...

Line up the center of one concave side, with the center of one arc piece, right sides together. Pin center, and edges. Stitch on the 1/4" seam line, easing in fullness as you do. Repeat this with the other three arcs to make one quarter of the block. Make one more quarter block in this color arrangement. Make two quarter blocks in the opposite color arrangement...

Piece the four quarters together, using 1/4" seams...

The quilt is four blocks by five blocks, with a thin Color 1 border, a slightly wider Color 2 border, and a binding in Color 1. I chose to do this one in two colors, as I like the optical illusion of it, but it would make an outstanding scrap quilt also, with lights and darks...

Happy Quilting Everyone!

Marcia :o)

Here's one that Betty made!

Aug10 2000 Marcia Hohn

Traditional Block

pattern from