This makes a 16 " block!

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** Preparing the Pieces and Sewing the Block ** 

 Start by marking and cutting the Color 2  2-1/2" x 20" strip into eight 2-1/2" squares...

Then mark and cut the Color 3  5" x 20" strip into sixteen 2-1/2" squares. Mark and cut the Color 3  2-1/2" x 9" strip into two 2-1/2" x 4-1/2" rectangles. Also cut one Color 3  4-1/2" x 8-1/2" rectangle...

Speed piece the half squares by stacking the Color 1 and Color 3  2-7/8" x 40-1/4" strips right sides together and all edges aligned. on the back of the top strip, lightly mark the 2-7/8" square lines. Mark in the diagonals in the direction shown at left. 
Now sew 1/4" above and below the marked diagonals, pivoting at the square lines. Cut apart on the square lines, and on the marked diagonals between the rows of stitching. This will give you twenty-eight half squares. Press seams to darker side. These should measure 2-1/2" ...

Piece the block by making horizontal rows as shown at left, still using the standard 1/4" seam. For the center section, piece the two end four-patches then sew them to the large Color 3 rectangle. Press row seams in alternating directions by row. Sew the rows all together, and you are done!

...on to Page 2!

August 22 2002 Marcia Hohn

Traditional  Block