This makes a 7" block!

This is an original pattern. Please abide by the Terms and Conditions of use! :o)

** Preparing the Pieces and Sewing the Block ** 

Start by marking and cutting the Color 1 and Color 2  3" x 6" rectangles into eight 1-1/2" squares of each...

Mark and cut the Color 3  5" square into four 2-1/2" squares...

Then mark and cut the Color 3  3" x 10-1/2" strip into six  1-1/2" x 3-1/2" rectangles...

Place a Color 1 square, right sides together aligned on top of one end of a Color3 rectangle. Mark the diagonal on the wrong side and sew on that line. Cut off the excess and press seam allowances towards triangle, then sew another square on the opposite end in the same manner. Make four units like this using Color 1 squares, and make two units like this using Color 2 squares...

Following the same method as in the step above, sew four Color 2 squares to the corners of the Color 3  3-1/2" x 5-1/2" rectangle to make the block's center... on to Page 2!

April 19 2003 Marcia Hohn

 Original  Block