Mollie's Choice - Page 2


Sew a Color 3 rectangle to the bottom of a Color2/Color4 triangle unit. Add a Color 2/Color5 triangle unit to the bottom of this. Press seam allowances towards the center unit. Make four of these...


Now sew a Color 6 half square triangle to the top left of a half square unit. Sew another Color 6 half square triangle to the bottom to make the unit shown at left. Press seam allowances to wards the outer triangles. Make four of these. Make sure your half squares are facing in the right direction!...



Sew each of the four units just made to a Color 1 half square triangle. Press seam allowances towards the large triangle...



Now piece the block, by joining the previously made units. Refer to the diagram at left for placement and orientation. Make rows, and then join the rows to make the Block. Press the first and last row seam allowances towards the outer squares. Press the center row seams towards the center square....Good Job!! You did it!!   :o)

...on to Page 3!

April 2000 Marcia Hohn

Page 1

Traditional Block