This makes a 7" block! The appearance of a Log Cabin, but done differently! :o)

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** Preparing the Pieces and Sewing the Block **

Cut the Color 1 and Color 4  1-1/2" x 10-1/2" strips into: one 1-1/2" square, one 1-1/2" x 3-1/2" rectangle and one  1-1/2" x 5-1/2" rectangle of each. 

Cut the Color 2 and Color 3  1-1/2" x 13-1/2" strips into one 1-1/2" x 2-1/2" Rectangle, one 1-1/2" x 4-1/2" rectangle and one 1-1/2" x 6-1/2" rectangle.

Cut the Color 5  1-1/2" x 10-1/2" strip into seven 1-1/2" squares...

Now piece the seven vertical strips shown at left, using a scant 1/4" seam. Press seams to the darker sides. Sew the rows together to finish off your Mock Logs block!

... on to Page 2!



What's with those SCANT 1/4" seams???

Each time we press over a seam allowance, a teeny bit of fabric is used up in the fold-over...using a SCANT 1/4" seam (a couple threads less than a full 1/4") helps to compensate for the block width lost in your pressing! :o)


 Nov 2 2005 Marcia Hohn

Original Block