Symptoms of Lyme Disease
According to the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Society (ILADS), "Lyme disease is the latest great imitator and should be considered in the differential diagnosis of MS, ALS,(Lou Gehrig's Disease) seizure and other neurologic conditions, as well as arthritis, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Gulf war syndrome, ADHD, Hypochondriasis, Fibromyalgia, Somatization disorder and patients with various difficult-to-diagnose multi-system syndromes."
( Below is a list from )
These are some of the symptoms of Lyme disease. Taken individually, they
certainly would be also considered symptoms of MANY things...but when a
person has MANY symptoms, Lyme should be suspected. The things in blue are the
symptoms I currently have.
First, The Bite
Tick bite (deer, dog, woodchuck or other)
Rash at site of bite
Rashes on other parts of your body
Rash basically circular and spreading out
Raised rash, disappearing and recurring
Musculoskeletal System
Joint pain or swelling or tenderness
Stiffness of joints, back, neck
Muscle pain or cramps
Bone pain
Heavy feeling in one or more limbs
Neurological System
Sensitivity to touch/pressure points
Tremors or unexplained shaking (especially at night)
Burning or stabbing sensations in the body
Weakness or partial paralysis/stroke-like
Pressure in the head
Numbness in body, tingling, pinpricks
Poor balance, dizziness, difficulty walking
Increased motion sickness
Lightheadedness, wooziness
Sudden jerking of fingers or entire limbs (RLS)
Pain in spinal column
General Well-being
Unexplained weight gain, loss
Extreme fatigue
Swollen glands ...parotitis (parotid gland)
Unexplained fevers (high or low
Continual infections (sinus,
kidney, eye, etc.)
Symptoms seem to change, come and go
Pain migrates (moves) to different body parts
Early on, experienced a "flu-like" illness, after which you have not
since felt well. (If it was mild, you may not even recall this.)
Double, blurry or dim vision
Increased floating spots
Pain in/behind eyes, or swelling around eyes
Over sensitivity to light
Flashing lights
Optic neuritis
Decreased hearing in one or both ears
Buzzing or clicking noises in ears
Pain in ears or sound sensitivity
Ringing in one or both ears
Pressure or feeling of fullness in ears
Digestive and Excretory Systems
Diarrhea, irritable bowel, colitis
Irritable bladder (trouble starting, stopping)...Gall
bladder troubles
Frequent urination that is not normal
Upset stomach (nausea or pain)
Respiratory and Circulatory Systems
Shortness of breath, cough
Chest pain or rib soreness
Night sweats or unexplained chills
Heart palpitations or extra beats
Heart blockage
Psychological well-being
Mood swings, irritability, rage...Anxiety
Unusual depression, not explained by life circumstances
Disorientation (getting or feeling lost)
Feeling as if you are losing your mind
Overemotional reactions, crying easily
Too much sleep, or insomnia
Difficulty falling or staying asleep
Mental Capability
Memory loss (short or long term)
Confusion, difficulty in thinking, brain fog
Difficulty with concentration or reading
Going to the wrong place
Speech difficulty (slurred or slow)
Stammering speech...Losing
Forgetting how to perform simple normal tasks
Head, Face, Neck
Unexplained hair loss
Headaches, mild or severe
Twitching of facial or other muscles
Facial paralysis (Bell's Palsy)
Tingling of nose, cheek or face
Stiff or painful neck or creaking
Jaw pain or stiffness
TMJ – sudden onset, jaw spasms
Sore throat, hoarseness
Loss of sense of taste
Difficulty swallowing, throat spasms
Reproduction and Sexuality
Loss of sex drive, libido /sexual dysfunction
menstrual irregularity including early
cessation of menses
Unexplained breast pain, discharge
Testicular or pelvic pain
1. You do not have to recall a bite or have gotten the target rash to have Lyme
disease. Less than 50% of people with Lyme do.
2. The tick that carries Lyme is as small as the period at the end of this sentence and their nymphs are nearly microscopic. Ticks are on the move at 35º and above. It’s a year-round problem.
3. You do not have to experience ALL of these symptoms to have Lyme disease.
It is also typical for many of these symptoms to come and go or occur once
and never occur again.
4. It is possible (even probable) to have Lyme disease and get a negative test
result. After Lyme bacteria enter your system, it tricks your immune
system into no longer producing antibodies to fight it, hence, a negative test
result. There are also other numerous factors that can affect the results. The
standard test done to check for Lyme is called the ELISA test, and it has a
fairly high ratio of FALSE NEGATIVES. Persevere...there are other tests for Lyme
that look at thing differently.
5. Lyme bacteria hide in the spinal fluid, bone, tendons, muscle and nerve
fibers and tissues and in many cases are not “floating” around in the
bloodstream where they can be picked up on a test. It acts in a similar way to
the syphilis bacteria and is very difficult to eradicate.
6. It takes a LYME SPECIALIST to diagnose, test for and treat Lyme disease and
any of its associated co-infections. To find one go to
While everyone may have SOME symptoms that appear on this list it does not
mean he/she necessarily has Lyme disease. If one has numerous
symptoms on this list and no other explanation for them, consider getting tested
for Lyme. Lyme infected people frequently also have CO-INFECTIONS with
Bartonella, Babesiosis, Ehrlichiosis, Mycoplasma,STARI, tularemia...