ANOTHER thing to consider, is
that there are several ways in which you can piece Log Cabin to begin
with...the ones I
have just shown are quite straightforward ...perhaps the most common of the layouts... |
or, by piecing your fabrics top and
bottom then left and right--and continuing in that fashion, rather than adding strips
clockwise...you wind up with what is called COURTHOUSE STEPS... |
> By adding strips
clockwise as I originally showed, but using the same fabrics all the way around each
row...you will get what is sometimes called AROUND THE WORLD
...even more dramatic,
perhaps, if done in less colors...> |
<---OR, another choice, called a LOG
CABIN FOUR PATCH, is done in quarter sections, by adding only two rows of contrasting
fabrics to each of four center squares, then these four quarters are sewn together to make
the block.
...Or you can Spiral the colors and
make a GREEK KEY!( here the center square is the same width as the logs)
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Traditional Block |
http://www.quilterscache.com |