Kansas Trouble - Page 2


First sew a single Color 1half square triangle to the side of a half square, referring to the pattern for placement. Then, add another half square, and lastly, a Color 2  2" square. Make four of these units...


Then make four units from a single Color1 triangle joined to two half squares, as shown...



Join a Color 2 half square triangle to the unit you just made...



Then sew THAT to a single triangle/2halfsquares/small square unit. Make FOUR of these combos...


Sew to each , a Color 3 large half square triangle. Press seams towards the combo unit side...


And lastly, piece these four squares to make the one block!

...on to Page 3!



Aug 24 2000 Marcia Hohn

Page 1

Traditional Block

pattern from http://www.quilterscache.com