** Preparing the
Pieces and Sewing the Block ** |
Start by cutting the Color 1 and Color 3
4-7/8" x 9-3/4" strips into two 4-7/8" squares of
each. Stack these and cut once on the diagonal to make four half
square triangles of each... |
Now use the Square A template, the Triangle B template
and the Triangle C template to cut four Square A's, eight Triangle
B's and four Triangle C's from the Color 1 4-1/2" x
16" strip... |
Use the Triangle B template and the Triangle A
template to cut eight Triangle B's and eight Triangle A's from the
Color 2 4-1/2" x 23" strip...
Then use the Square B template and the Square A
template to cut one Square B and four Square A's from the Color
3 4-1/2" x 8" strip... |
Using a scant 1/4" seam now and throughout the
block making process, sew Color 1 Triangle B's to Color 3
Square A's as shown at left. Press seams to darker side. Make
four Side Units like this... |
Sew the Color 1 and Color 3 half square triangles
together to make four half squares. Press to dark side and trim each
one to measure 4-1/2" if needed...on to
Page 2! |
August 5 2005 Marcia Hohn |

Page 3 |
Original Block |
http://www.quilterscache.com |