** Preparing the
Pieces and Sewing the Block ** |
Start by cutting the Color 1 2-1/2" x
12-1/2" strip into five 2-1/2" squares. Cut the Color
1 4-7/8" x 9-3/4" strip into two 4-7/8"
squares. Stack those and cut them once on the diagonal to make four
half square triangles... |
Now cut the Color 2 5" x 9" strip into
four 2-1/2" x 4-1/2" rectangles. Cut the Color 2
2-7/8" x 11-1/2" strip into four 2-7/8" squares.
Stack and cut the squares once on the diagonal to make eight half
square triangles... |
Using a scant 1/4" seam allowance - now and
throughout this block, sew a Color 2 half square triangle right
sides together to the right hand side of a Color 1 square. Press
seam towards triangle. Sew another triangle to the lower edge, again
pressing towards triangle. Sew a Color 1 half square triangle to
this pieced triangle, pressing this seam towards the larger
triangle. This should measure 4-1/2"; trim if needed. Make four
units like this... |

Now lay out all the units as shown at left. Sew
three horizontal rows, pressing the top and bottom row seams to the
outside, and the middle row seam to the center. Now just join the
rows to complete your Grandmother's Choice Block! Good Job!
...on to Page 2!
Sept 17 2004 Marcia Hohn |

Traditional Block |
http://www.quilterscache.com |