** Preparing
the Pieces and Sewing the Block ** |

Let's start by measuring and cutting the Color 1 3-1/2" x 31-1/2" strip into nine 3-1/2" squares... |

Then lay a Color 3 1-1/2" x 14" strip atop a Color 2 strip of the same size and sew these strips
together using a scant 1/4" seam, pressing seam allowances towards darker
fabric. Then
add another Color 3 strip to the other long side of the Color 2 strip, measure and cut
this 3 stripe unit into 3-1/2" squares... |

Then in the same manner
attach two Color 3 1-1/2" x 6" strips to a Color 2 strip of the same size, and
cut and measure that unit into four 1 1/2" strips. Make a reverse unit from two Color
2 1-1/2" x 12" strips and one Color 3 strip. Measure and cut this 3 stripe
unit into 1-1/2" strips as well. Sew these together into four nine
patch units... |

Let's speed piece the
half squares. Stack a Color 3 3-7/8" x 15-1/2" strip atop a Color 1 strip of the
same size, right sides together. On the back of the Color 3 strip mark off 3-7/8"
squares, and mark diagonals in the directions shown, then stitch in one continuous seam
from the top left corner to the top right corner, 1/4" away from the marked diagonal
line. Turn, and sew back the other way 1/4" on the other side of the marked diagonal
lines. Cut apart at the 3-7/8" marks AND on the marked diagonals this will give you
eight half squares. Press seams to darker fabrics. Trim to 3-1/2"
if needed...on to Page 2! |
Oct1999 Marcia Hohn |
pattern from http://www.quilterscache.com |
Traditional Block |