** Preparing the
Pieces and Sewing the Block **
Start by marking and cutting the Color 1 6-7/8" square once on the diagonal, to make two large half square triangles. The extra
one of these can be used elsewhere in the quilt, or for another project.
Repeat this with the Colors 2, 3, and 4 6-7/8"
squares... |
Now mark and cut the Color 1 (also
Color 2, 3,4) 3-7/8"
square once on the diagonal to make two small half square triangles. Again, the extra ones
can be used later in the quilt, or in another project... |
Then mark and cut the Color
5 3-7/8" x
7-3/4" strips into two 3-7/8" squares from each. Stack and cut these again once on the
diagonal to make four half square triangles from each... |
Sew a Color 1 small half square triangle to a
Color 5 half square triangle, right sides together, being careful not to stretch the
fabric as you sew, and using a SCANT 1/4" seam. Press seam towards the darker fabric.
This will give you one half square. Trim to measure 3-1/2" if
needed. Repeat this with the Color 2, 3, and 4 small half square
triangles and remaining Color 5 small half square triangles... |
Sew a Color 5 half square triangle to the left
side of the half square, right sides together, and again using a SCANT 1/4"
seam. Press this seam towards the triangle. Now sew another Color 5 half square triangle
to the top of the half square in the same manner, pressing the seam allowance towards the
triangle... |
Sew the previously made unit to a Color 1
large half square triangle to complete the quadrant. Press seam allowance towards the
Color 1 half square triangle. This should measure 6-1/2"...
Repeat the previous step and this step using
Color 2, 3, and 4 half squares...on to Page 2!
July 11 2000 Marcia Hohn

Traditional Block |
pattern from http://www.quilterscache.com |