** Preparing the Pieces
and Sewing the Block ** |

Start by marking and cutting the Color 1 2-1/2" x 5"
strip into two 2-1/2" squares. Mark and cut the Color 1
1-1/2" x 6" strip into four 1-1/2" squares...

The mark and cut the Color 2 2-1/2" x 5" strip into
two 2-1/2" squares...

Next mark and cut the Color 3 3" x 9" strip into four
1-1/2" x 4-1/2" rectangles...

Sew the Color 1 and Color 2 2-1/2" squares together as
shown at left to make the center four patch. Use scant 1/4"
seams, and press seams towards the darker fabric....

Now sew the two small Color 1 squares to the ends of two Color 3
rectangles, pressing seams towards squares. Sew the remaining Color 3
rectangles to the left and right of the center four patch, pressing
seams towards four patch. Sew the Rectangle/Squares strips to the top
and bottom of the block, and it's done!
...on to Page
Nov 6 2002 Marcia Hohn |

Traditional Block |
http://www.quilterscache.com |