Here's a Simple one!
It's a 12" block! |

Dig into your pale plaids and prints stash for this one!
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** Preparing the Pieces
and Sewing the Block ** |
First mark and cut two
2-1/2" x 10" strips of tans/plaids/ or other light prints
into four 2-1/2" squares of each... |
Next sew together a LIGHT tan
1-1/2" x 3" strip, with a plaid etc. strip of the same
size, right sides together, using a scant 1/4" seam. Press seam
to the darker side. Cut this apart at the 1-1/2" point. Flip
one unit over and sew the two together to make one small four patch.
Make nine more small four patches for the block... |
Sew together the nine patch
units, using the small four patches, and the 2-1'2" squares.
Make rows, then join the rows, pressing seams in alternating
directions by row... |
Now mark and cut the four strips
for your larger four patch units. Each is 3-1/2" x 7", and
gets cut into two 3-1/2" squares... |
Sew two large four patch units
as shown at left, this being the more "old fashioned" way
to piece four patches. I thought it might be nice to show a couple
different ways :o) Make two of these
large four patch units...on to Page
2! |
May 17 2002
Marcia Hohn |
Traditional Block |
http://www.quilterscache.com |