a 12" block! Here's a nice nautical theme
quilt, with a twist... I added the water! It can be done in several ways, with many
different colored ships and flags, or all the same...the choice is yours! :o) |

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and Conditions of use! :o) |
** Preparing the
Pieces and Sewing the Block ** |

Start by marking and cutting the Color 1
2" x 16" strip into eight 2" squares... |

Now mark and cut the Color 3 2" x 8"
strip into four 2" squares... |

Then mark and cut the Color 8 2" x
13" strip into two 2" x 6-1/2" rectangles... |

Next, speed piece the half squares for the ships,
by stacking the Color 1 and Color 3 2-3/8" x 4-3/4" strips, right sides
together. on the back of the top square, lightly mark the 2-3/8" square line
and then the diagonals in the direction shown
at left. Now sew a SCANT 1/4" above and
below the marked diagonals, pivoting at the square line. Cut apart on the marked diagonal
and on the square line. This will give you four half squares. Press seam allowances towards
the darker fabric. Trim to measure 2" if needed... |

Repeat the above procedure with Color1/Color 6
strips, and Color 1/Color 7 strips to make four half squares of each color combo... |

Now speed piece the half squares for the pinwheel
"flags", following the same directions as above, using the Color 2 3-7/8" x 7-3/4" strip with the Color 4 strip of the same size. Repeat this with
another Color 2 strip, and a Color 5 strip. This will give you four of each color
combo. Trim to measure 3-1/2" if needed... |

First, make the pinwheel flags. by sewing two of
the same color combo half squares together along the right side, right sides together, and
using as always a SCANT 1/4" seam. Make another pair like this. Sew the two pairs
together. Repeat this with the other color combo of larger half squares...on
to Page 2! |
Oct 28 2000 Marcia Hohn |

Traditional Block |
3 |
http://www.quilterscache.com |