Start by piecing the half squares. To piece
the larger half squares, stack a Color 1 and a Color 3 3-7/8"
square, right sides together. On the back of the top square, lightly
draw the diagonal. Sew 1/4" above and below the marked
diagonal. Cut apart ON the marked diagonal to get two Color
1/Color 3 half squares. Press seam allowances towards the darker fabric.
These should measure 3-1/2". Repeat this with
a Color 1 and Color 2 square to get two half squares of that color
combination and again with the Color 1 and Color 3 2-3/8" strips. Stack them
right sides together; mark the 2- 3/8" square lines and the diagonals.
Sew as you did with the 3-7/8 strips, above and below the
diagonals. Cut these apart ON the diagonals and on the 2-3/8" square lines. This
will give you eight half squares. Press seam allowances towards the darker
fabrics. These should measure 2" ...on to Page
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