** Double Wedding Ring  Supplies List  **


Color 1 Color 1 needs: one strip 2 1/2" x 20"
Color 2 Color 2 needs: four of piece 1 and four of piece 2- about a 4" x 12" strip of each color
Color 3 Color 3 needs: four of piece 1 and four of piece 2- about a 4" x 12" strip of each color
Color 4 Color 4 needs: four piece 1 and four piece 2...about a 4" x 12" strip of each color
Color 5 Color 5 needs: four piece 1 and four piece 2...about a 4" x 12" strip of each color
Color 6 Color 6 needs: four footballs and four background shapes...about 1/2-3/4 yard
Feb2000 Marcia Hohn

pattern from http://www.quilterscache.com

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Traditional Block

To the Patterns  or  The Quilter's Cache

I found this lovely note in the Guest book today!

Name: Whitney
Web Site:
Date/Time: Saturday, September 14, 2002 at 10:37:25 AM

I absolutely LOVE your website! Your patterns are so detailed and the directions are wonderful. I am almost finished with a double wedding ring pattern from your site, and everyone thought it was too much to undertake for a beginner quilter. Your explanations made it SIMPLE!!! Thank you so much!