Crossword Puzzle 2 - Page 2

Then sew a Color 1  2-1/2" x 30" strip between a Color 3 and Color 2 strip of the same size. Press seams towards the center strip. Bisect at 2-1/2" intervals to make twelve pieced units...

Sew a Color 2  2-1/2" x 10" strip between two Color 1 strips of the same size. Press seams towards the outer strips. Bisect at 2-1/2" intervals to make four pieced units...

Next sew a Color 3  2-1/2" x 10" strip between two Color 1 strips of the same size. Press seams towards the outer strips. Bisect at 2-1/2" intervals to make four pieced units...

Sew these various pieced units together to form four Unit B's. These should measure 6-1/2" x 10-1/2"... 



Now sew a Color 3  4-1/2" square right sides together to the left edge of each Unit A. Add a Unit B to the Bottom of each, making a total of four of these Corner Units. These should measure 10-1/2" square...


Then sew a Color 3  2-1/2" x 15" strip between two Color 1 strips of the same size. Press seams towards the outer strips. Bisect at 2-1/2" intervals to make six pieced units...

Now sew a Color 1  2-1/2" x 10" strip between two Color 2 strips of the same size. Press seams towards the center strip. Bisect at 2-1/2" intervals to make four pieced units...

From these, sew two Units C's , which should each measure 6-1/2" square...

...and two Units D's, which should each measure 4-1/2" x 6-1/2"...


Next sew a Color 3  4-1/2" x 6-1/2" rectangle right sides together to the top edge of each Unit C... 

Then sew a Color 3  6-1/2" square right sides together to the left edge of each Unit D...  on to Page 3!
 Feb 26 2007 Marcia Hohn

Traditional Block

Page 1