This makes a 12"
block! Please
abide by the Terms and
Conditions of use! :o) |

When you were a kid...did you ever
lie in the grass looking at the clouds and chew on clover to get the nectar out?...funny
the things we remember even in our adulthood ! |
** Preparing the
Pieces and Sewing the Block ** |

First cut the Color 1 4-7/8" square in
half diagonally to make two half square triangles... |

Then cut the Color 4 2-7/8" square in
half on the diagonal... |

Now cut the Color 4 6-7/8" square in half
on the diagonal also... |

Speed piece the half squares by stacking the Color 2
and Color 4 2-7/8" x 14-3/8" strips right sides together. On the back of
the top strip, lightly mark the 2-7/8" square lines and the diagonals
. Now sew a SCANT 1/4" above and below the marked diagonals, pivoting at the square lines. Cut
apart ON the marked diagonals between the stitching and on the square
line. This will give
you ten half squares. You only need nine of them for this block. Press seam allowances
towards the darker fabric. Trim to measure 2-1/2" if needed... |

On the right side of the Color 4 6-1/2"
square, light mark the diagonal, and then mark again ( LIGHTLY!!!) a
scant 1/2" away on both
sides of the marked diagonal. These are your guide lines for placement of the stem...on
to Page 2! |
Traditional Block |
pattern from http://www.quilterscache.com |