Carpenter's Square
- Page 2 |
Sew a Color 3 3-12"
strip to the top of this unit, pressing seam towards Color 3
strip... |
Then sew the second Unit 2 to
the left of that, pressing seam towards the Unit 2 piece... |
Next line up one end of a Color 3
3-1/2" strip with the left edge of the previously made unit.
Sew this from the left edge to a stopping point 1/4" from the
end. Back stitch. Snip threads. Fold the unit to the right, right
sides together, and align the un-sewn edge of the Color 3 strip,
with the un-sewn unit edge. Stitch from previous stopping point to
bottom of unit... |
Now add a Color 1
5-1/2" strip to the right of the previous unit, then, a Color
1 6-1/2" strip to the top, pressing each seam towards the
newly added strip... |
Sew a Color 2 square to the
bottom of a Color 3 4-1/2" strip, then add a Color 3
square to the bottom-Unit 4... |
Sew Unit 4 to the side of our
ongoing unit, pressing seam towards the newly added strip... |
Sew a Color 2 square to the
bottom of a Color 3 5-1/2" strip, then add a Color 3
square to the bottom=Unit 5. Make two units like this... |
Sew one Unit 5 to the top of our
big pieced unit. Sew a Color 1 7-1/2" strip to the
bottom, again pressing each seam towards the newly added strips...
to Page 3!
April 30 2002 Marcia Hohn |
Page 1 |
Traditional Block |
pattern from http://www.quilterscache.com |