
Now stack the Color 1 and Color 3 4-7/8" x 9-3/4" strips, right sides together and all edges
aligned. On the back of the top strip, mark the 4-7/8" square
line. Mark the diagonals in the directions shown at left. Now sew a
SCANT 1/4" above and below the marked diagonals, pivoting at
the square line. Cut these apart on the square line, and on the
marked diagonals between the rows of stitching. his will give you
the four half squares used in the block's corners... |

To make the center unit, place a Color
2 2 1/2" square lined up with the upper left corner of
the Color 3 4-1/2" square, right sides together. On the back of
the small top square, lightly draw the diagonal. Sew on this drawn
line. Cut off the excess seam allowance. Press the remainder towards
the outer triangle. Repeat this with another 2-1/2" square on
the opposing side. Repeat again with two more small squares on the
adjacent corners, pressing the last two towards the center square... |

To make the side units, sew two Color 2
small triangles (cut from 2-7/8" squares) together along one
side, using the standard SCANT 1/4" seam. Press seam to one
side. Make four units like this. Sew each of these units to a Color
3 quarter square triangle. Press this seam towards the darker
fabric... |

Sew each Color 1 quarter square triangle to
a Color 3 quarter square triangle, pressing seams towards the darker
fabric. Join each of these to one of the units made in the previous
step... ...on to Page
July 9 2001 Marcia Hohn |

Traditional Block |
Page 1 |
http://www.quilterscache.com |