Bow Tie - Page 2

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Next, we will inset the color2 pentagons, starting along one short side as shown [fig A]...using a scant 1/4"  seam sew to within 1/4" ..KEEP YOUR NEEDLE DOWN and....

* Note...if you really can't stand to do it this way, do a small backstitch to secure your stitching, take the unit OUT of the machine. Line things back up, and then stitch the next area!


...pivot the next side of the pentagon to line it up with the side of the square and continue sewing with a scant 1/4" seam to within 1/4"  on that side [fig B]...KEEP YOUR NEEDLE DOWN and...

* see note above :o)


...pivot again, bringing up the fabric to match the last short side of the pentagon ...stitch with a scant   1/4" seam. [fig C]

Repeat these last 3 steps to inset the color2 pentagon on the other side...

AND YOU'VE  DONE IT!!  Congratulations!!

BowTieNewquilt.gif (43549 bytes)

There are many different ways to lay out the bow tie's one!

As always Happy Quilting!!! 

Marcia :o)

...Go on to Page 3 for Supplies Needed!

Here's Dessa's!  Marie's!  Gwen's 1  +2!  Carolyn's!

Marcia's!  Kathryn's Runner!

To the Patterns  or  The Quilter's Cache 

August1999 Marcia Hohn

Traditional Block     Page 1