Color 1 |
Color1 is the background
square color, and needs a 9" square, or larger, if you prefer. |
Color 2 |
Color 2 is used for the
"ground" and needs a strip about 3" x the width of
your background square. |
Color 3 |
Color 3 is used for the whole
dog body except the right hip and tail section and needs a piece
5" x 8" |
Color 4 |
Color 4 is used for the right
hip and tail section and needs a piece 4" x 4" |
Color 5 |
Color 5 is used for the
leg, toe and facial highlights and needs a piece 8" x
8" |
Color 6 |
Color 6 is used for the
tall grasses and needs a piece 4" x 7" |
April 4 2001 Marcia Hohn |