** Preparing the Pieces
and Sewing the Block ** |
First, after adding 1/4" seam allowances
to each template, cut out all the block's pieces! |

Sew four body units as shown at left, using the standard 1/4"
seam allowances, and pressing seams towards the darker fabric. These
use the Triangle A, A-Rev and Bee body templates...

Using wing pieces cut from Triangle B, sew a wing to each body unit.
Note that one wing is sewn to one side of the triangle and one to the

Now sew the two bee units together. Make two units like this,
each with a different pair of wing colors...

Using the Four Patch Square pieces you cut, make two
four patches as shown at left. As always...scant 1/4" seam
allowances. Press seams towards the dark side... |

Sew a Triangle C unit to the top and bottom of each four patch,
pressing seams out towards the triangles, then sew two more Triangle
C's to the sides, again pressing towards the triangles. Make two units
like this...on to Page
Sept 4 2002 Marcia Hohn |

Traditional Block |
http://www.quilterscache.com |