Basket of Lilies - Page 2

Sew the lily diamonds together in pairs, using as always a 1/4" seam. Press seam to one side. Sew a Color 5  D triangle to the lower diamond from the bottom edge to a point 1/4" from the point of the  D triangle. With the needle still down fold the fabric over and align the un sewn edge of the D triangle with the un sewn edge of the lily diamond. Sew to the outer edge...Repeat this with all pairs of lily diamonds...

Now sew two pairs of diamonds together along their center seam. Sew a Color 5 E square along the top inner seam as shown at left, sewing from the left to a point 1/4" from the edge of the square. Fold the fabrics down, with the needle still down to align the adjacent side of the E square with the remaining inner seam line. Stitch to the bottom edge. Repeat this with the other pairs of lily units...

Next sew a Color 2 B triangle to the flat side of each lily...still using that 1/4" seam, of course...

To one of the lily units, sew a Color 5 half square triangle along the lower left edge, and another to the upper right edge. Refer to diagram at left for placement and orientation. Sew the Color 3 large triangle to this unit...

Sew a Color 5 half square triangle to a Color 4 half square triangle. Make five of these units, pressing seam allowances towards the darker fabrics. Sew a Color 5 half square triangle to a Color 3 half square triangle. Make two of these units, pressing seam allowance towards the darker fabrics...on to Page 3!

May 15 2001 Marcia Hohn

Page 1

Traditional Block

pattern from