** Preparing the Pieces
and Sewing the Block ** |
Start by cutting the Color 1 4-1/4" x 8-1/2" strip
into two 4-1/4" squares...
Cut one of the 4-1/4" Color 1 squares you just cut in half on
both diagonals to make four quarter square triangles...
Now place the other Color 1 4-1/4" square right sides
together and all edges aligned with the Color 2 4-1/4"
square. On the back of the top square lightly draw in the diagonal.
Sew 1/4" away from the draw line on both sides of it. Now use a
ruler and rotary cutter to cut this in half on the opposite diagonal.
Then cut apart on the drawn lines. This will give you four pieced
triangles. Press each to the darker side.
Next cut the Color 2 3-1/2" x 14"
strip into four 3-1/2" squares... |
Then use the template provided to cut the center
square from the Color 2 5" square... |
Sew one of the pieced triangles right sides together to the right edge
of a Color 2 3-1/2" square. Press seam towards triangle
unit. Sew another pieced triangle to the bottom edge, again pressing
towards that triangle. Make two units like this...on to Page
Feb 13 2006 Marcia Hohn |
Traditional Block
http://www.quilterscache.com |