All American - Page 3

 Make four of the top unit shown at left. To do that sew Color 4 squares to each end of four rectangle units. Make two of the middle units shown at left.  To do that sew Color 4 squares to the left end of two flipped upside down rectangle units, and Color 3 squares to the right ends.  Make two of the bottom units shown at left. To do that sew Color 3 squares to the left end of two flipped upside down rectangle units, and Color 4 squares on the right...

 Next sew rectangle units to the left and right of all four All American Blocks, pressing seams outwards...

 Now sew two blocks as shown at left, and two more with the alternate bottom pieces...

 Sew the four blocks together. Sew a Color 1  36-1/2" thin border strip to the top and bottom. Sew a Color 1  39-1/2" strip to the left and right. Trim off the extra to make the corners even if needed...on to Page 4!

April 17 2003 Marcia Hohn

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Original  Block & Wall Hanging