This makes a 14" block !

It's shown with the Spring Bloomer's block, here!

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** Preparing the Pieces and Sewing the Block ** 

Cut the Color 4  4-1/2" x 13" strip into two 4-1/2" x 6-1/2" rectangles. Cut the Color 4  2-1/2" x 22" strip into two 2-1/2" x 6-1/2" rectangles and two 2-1/2" x 4-1/2" rectangles...



Now sew a Color 1 and Color 3  2-1/2" x 10" strip right sides together using a 1/4" seam. Press to dark side. Cut at 2-1/2" intervals to make four pieced units. Repeat this procedure with a Color 2 and Color 3  2-1/2" x 10" strip set to get four units in that color arrangement as well. Sew pairs of the pieced units together to make four Four patch units for the blocks' corners. These should measure 4-1/2"...


In the same manner as the step above, sew together two Color 2, two Color 1 and one Color 4  2-1/2" x 5" strips. Press seams towards darker colors. Cut this into two 2-1/2" wide pieced units...



Next sew the extra Color 1  2-1/2" square between two Color 4  2-1/2" x 4-1/2" rectangles, pressing seams to the center.  Sew this unit between the two pieced units we made in the step above...

...on to Page 2!

April 21 2006 Marcia Hohn

Traditional Block