This makes a 12" block!

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3 Blocks x 4 Blocks with a 2" border makes a perfect Project Linus Quilt Sized Quilt!

** Preparing the Pieces and Sewing the Block **

Start by marking and cutting the Color 1 and Color 2  4- 1/2" x 17" strips into two 4- 1/2" x 8- 1/2" rectangles of each...

Sew  the Color 3 background square to the right edge of a Color 2 rectangle, edges aligned and right sides together, using a 1/4" seam. Press seam allowance towards rectangle...

Next sew a Color 1 rectangle to the top of the previously made unit, pressing seam towards top rectangle...

Then sew the remaining Color 2 rectangle to the right side of the previously made unit, pressing seam towards the right side rectangle...on to Page 2
Oct 5 2001 Marcia Hohn

Traditional Block

pattern from