** Preparing the
Pieces and Sewing the Block ** |
First, cut all fabric strips into 2-1/2"
squares... |
As all rows are constructed in the same
manner. I
will explain just one, starting with the upper left-hand corner of the
block. To one Color
3 square, sew a Color 2 square, using a 1/4" seam... |
Then add a Color 1
square, a Color 4 square, a Color 1 square, a Color 2 square and lastly a Color 3 square.
Press seam allowances all towards the same direction... |
Then continue to make the rest of the rows in the
same way, alternating pressing directions by row! Basically, that is the end of the block
making directions! I have shown the individual
squares at a measurement of 2-1/2" but you are not held to that!
You can use ANY size squares...
...on to
Page 2!
Nov 1999 Marcia Hohn
3 |
Traditional Block |
http://www.quilterscache.com |